The Corporate Boating Company is based at the waterfront at The National Sports Centre at Bisham Abbey, Marlow on the River Thames.  Offering a host of fun and exiting water based activities, we've partnered with Bisham Abbey Conferencing Centre set in a beautiful and historic location offering a unique proposition.

At the National Sports Centre Bisham Abbey

The Corporate Boating Company

Meet Our Team

Our combined love for the River Thames, getting on the water, empowering people and sharing our passion brings together a mature team with tons of experience

Waterside Team

Matthew Couling




Kelly Couling




Paddle Team Leader


Behind the Scenes

You’re in safe hands

Fully Qualified 
Fully Insured

Our Staff are experienced, fully qualified for the activities being carried out on the water.  As part of our partnership agreement with Bisham Abbey, we are Natioanl Govedrning Body accredited and have fully risk assessed all of our activities and we carry £10M public Liability insurance.


British Canoeing NGB Partner

Motor Boats

British Marine and Visit England Accredited

Our Partners

Partner with Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre


£10M Public Liability Insured

Multipe on the water Activities for All

There are many ways of experienceing the beauty, calmness and fun that the River Thames provides.  We like to think we have you covered!

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